Wednesday, September 21, 2011


1 out of 5 stars
by TLynn
You might die before they would take care of you, they will belittle your concerns, and even if it runs in your family it will take forever to get any tests done. Very lazy staff and office manager. They lie about not getting messages and they won't call you back for days if ever. They sometimes say they called but you won't have it on you phone list. Sad! A good attorney for anyone neglected or abandoned is an idea!
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Comments (2)
neglected in the USA - 04/29/11
I totally agree. I have had to go to the ER several times because I could not get in to see the doctor. They DO NOT return phone calls and they are kinda rude and belittle people, like we don't know what's going on in our own bodies. I guess because we don't have insurance and we can't afford to go to a "real doctor's office" , we don't deserve adequate care. Thanks for nothing.
soscared - 07/05/11
You would not believe the hell this place is putting me through, dr recently resigned and got cut off meds, they drug tested me and said come back positive for pcp then done blood screen at hospital 10 mins later, said come back negative for everything but urine test did show I had my meds in my system, wish I could afford a good attorney, don't believe my doc resigned because he wanted to, had to go to er the office told them I was going through withdrawl with BP 220/111 how do you go through withdrawl if nothing is in your system , I printed out a paper showing generic effexor will show false positive for pcp, nobody can explain any of this to me..... 
NOW ! ...... What did REALLY happen with the alleged doctor Hal Baumann , that supposedly "resigned"/ "retired"? I've recently found out , he has a reputation ALL the way inside Branchville Correctional Facility !
Now , I've had words with Family Health Center , Christopher Drake, Chief Operations Officer over a patient being "dumped" , who Dr. Baumann put her on some serious DRUGS that can kill you if stopped abruptly and kill (MURDER) you if you KEEP on taking them. As you can see from the review I got off the Yahoo search , a couple of other patients (VICTIMS) are still possibly without a doctor and meds ,"IF" they're still alive .
 If my math serves me well enough , I'd venture that the percentage is about ten times the amount of reviewers that posted and weren't deleted like my review was (but, I copied and printed it just in case) . Now Chris Drake CLAIMED HE WOULD HELP HER FIND A NEW DOCTOR said he would "call" me back in regard to helping the former patient he "Discharged" (I tape recorded it, criminals won't voluntarily admit anything)  BUT...HE DIDN'T AND HASN'T and FOR SURE WON'T after reading this AND he will, someone who "monitors" this site WILL tell him. She had to go through the phone book herself to find a doctor. AND SHE IS SUFFERING in the meanwhile. As I'm sure the poor souls above in PAIN are .(see footnote)  . I will help them if they ask ..they can email me at I know some crooked shit has been going on at that place and IS STILL GOING ON... I know there "TRACKING" (GANGSTALKING) this former victim through hospital and doctors computers (DOCTORSKNOWUS.COM) and by "BLACKBALLING" her as they do anyone they want to murder to silence them and keep there "RENT" paid and their BMW's/Mercedes . You doctors ARE the ANTI-CHRISTS, you've forsaken God for Hippocrates and you'll pay for it in HELL! Maybe I'll see you there , although I believe in Christ. Can any doctor out there truly say they believe in Christ? Without being ostracized ! I hated to have to resort to this , but when the "POWERS THAT BE , play God over people in PAIN, I don't have much choice , especially when their intent is to KILL OFF these people with "Obama-Care and Mitch Daniels fucked up way of balancing the budget on the "meek" and sick and homeless . Remember , he was a cabinet member of George W. Bush's regime in charge of "finance" in the Whitehouse and you see how well he did for the United States and Indiana . Places like Lifespring , Wellstone , and the Health Centers statewide . The people that run (ruin) those places still get payed good money and for them that's what it's all about , "WEALTHCARE"! ..I'll be back patients . I pray the Lord your soul to keep...stay vigilant ,,,your friend Karl

footnote:  Labeling people as "BIPOLAR" is a DEROGATORY modern GENERIC-Blanket-"fits all" term that IS NOT a true diagnosis , it is made up by "ALIENIST "(see: who misdiagnose what IS POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER , which ANYBODY in pain has from the trauma of knowing that the pain will most likely be a permanent chronic condition , occasionally becoming ACUTE , and you might have to take medicine for it the rest of your life , which NOBODY in their right mind wants to do , which if you have a physical ailment , you most definitely will have a mental ailment attached to the situation, hence SITUATION DEPRESSION = P.T.S.D. + TOURETTES (sudden outbursts and or profanity/anger and "TIC's") ... there ARE NO good Psychiatrists these days , unless you have the "continuity" of one for most of the rest of your life .

The DrJRx Fish Oil update....2 people are pissed !

 , Well it's been awhile since I posted about "fishoil" supplements. I was wrwrwr-wrong !I've since found out the person I was being "bullshitted" by  is a traitor he was selling me the fish oil at a rip-off price and giving it away to other people and he wanted me to be a "distributor" , a"MLM" -"Pyramid scheme" if you will.I found out a lot about this character during the course , all bad ! As it is said in the Bible , in the end days many false friends would appear, and they are . I'm proud (?) to say I'm still learning this life thing . "Trials and tribulations /errors . Guess I'll only get it right in the end ! The reason I picked this subject for this post is I found out that if you got GOUT , the PURINES in fish oil and other foods (please look it up on a search engine for more details) can cause a GOUT "FLARE UP" , so you need to really scrutinize your diet and if you've got Gout reevaluate taking fish oil , and especially if your doctor is prescribing Lovasa and also treating you for Gout and your paying $$$ for him to keep your business . So in closing , good health , keep your wealth(from your Gout doctor) and journey well..Karl

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


When in the course of events in daily life that the "UNITED STATES" , the "STATE" and LOCAL GOVERNMENTS by and through its "officials" and "agents" usurps its power and deprives a "citizen" of ALL their unalienable rights , deprives a citizen of ALL of her remedies by the due process of law and deprives her of equal protection of the law, the "UNITED STATES",the"SATE" and LOCAL GOVERNMENTS commit an ACT of MIXED  WAR against that "sovereign"citizen , and by its behavior , the "UNITED STATES", the "STATE" and LOCAL GOVERNMENTS declares WAR on that citizen . The citizen has a RIGHT to recognize this ACT by PUBLICATION of a SOLEMN  RECOGNITION of MIXED  WAR  . This PUBLIC writing has the same force as the Declaration of Independence . It invokes the citizens U.S. Constitutional 9th and 10th so-called amendments guarantees of the right to create an effective remedy where otherwise none exists . The citizens intent is to regain control of her "STRAWMAN" and file all necessary documents in the "Redemption" process, and regain his sovereign status as a freeman upon Gods creation , Earth . And to further clarify that I am NOT a MASON/ ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR or a member of any other secret society against the Republic of America or the Constitution of the united States of America . I am a citizen of the united States of America and NOT a citizen of the corporate "UNITED STATES" and I'm  NOT a citizen of the "STATE OF KENTUCKY" , but a sovereign of Kentucky . I am a believer of Jesus Christ and his father ,God . As this process continues ,  I will post more notices necessary for the process of "REDEMPTION". Please don't get me wrong , I LOVE my country and MY people for ALL the good that the peoples of America represent to the world , I just don't like this hijacked , perverted  "government" that has deceived my MOTHER , me , my peoples and the world . A government that makes illegal laws against its native Americans and yet the government makes itself exempt from the very laws it creates and uses against us . And , I will be publishing in the near future my notice of "Withdraw of Consent" to this "de facto" government and its laws and jurisdictions . I do QUESTION the so called "National debt" and ALL the illegal amendments and "tampering" of the "organic" Federal and State Constitutions .

  further the affiant sayeth nought , MICHELLE ELAINE PARRISH

Monday, July 18, 2011

Just to refresh eveybody's memory on the Chemtrails subject..

       Image from DEES ILLISTRATIONS .com

In my archive section I ran a piece on "chemtrails" that touched on the subject of "nanobots" that are being sprayed out of airplanes EVERYDAY to fulfill the "Georgia Guidestones" that states that the Earth's population should be kept at 500,000,000 people and the following are 2 links you might find interesting reading in regards to the "decoding"and location of the "stones"... ...and... 
Now these "Nanobots" were invented by the Israeli's and they are now in MASS PRODUCTION ,which you will see in the following pictures these "Nanochips" ARE PROGRAMMABLE when amassed together and this "IS" how they're amassed in the human body. When "Stratotankers" fly overhead EVERYDAY spraying their payload of "dispersants" like "Corexit" over the "BP" oil spill and spraying these "Nanochips", they accumulate in our sinuses and respiratory system . When they get in the respiratory system , they can be programmed to a "TARGETED INDIVIDUAL" from a military base to satellite to the "TARGETED PERSON", with a 2 way "communications" program "set-up" JUST for THAT individual (THESE ARE MICROCHIPS PEOPLE !... like those in your DOG'S NECK !) and how important a place and position that person holds in society. Now , IF that person "IS" a "DISSIDENT" or NONCONFORMIST or "WHISTLEBLOWER" , then that individuals program "IS" going to be an "expedient" "NATURAL" causes death by "pneumonia","respiratory failure", Chronic Pulmonary Obstruction Disease or Blood Clots in the lungs...some kind of "lung attack" by these programmable "Nanobots"...IF you get these to "clump" up in your nose-sinuses in the "olfactory" nerve area, the program for them then is "BAD" headaches , ANEURYSMS , STROKES, Epilepsy , HEART ATTACKS...and Indocrine diseases , such as PANCREATIC CANCER , LIVER DISEASE(cancer) ..and then on to the other "TACTICAL" biowarfare ,such as MENTAL ILLNESSES such as "HEARING VOICES" all of a sudden(known as "VOICE-TO-SKULL" program)..being diagnosed as "Bi-Polar" or "Paranoid-Schizophrenic" so they "throw" NEUROLEPTICS (ie: ZOLOFT-PROZAC-SYMBALTA-PAXIL-LUVOX-COGENTIN-ARTANE-BUSPAR-WELLBUTRIN , and on and on "ad nauseum") at you from the "FREE" mental health centers ....(it's called "EUGENICS" , originating from Indiana and the "Brainchild" of Eli Lilly)...see this link.. "IS" what "IS" getting into you pregnant mothers and your "autistic" babies EVERYTHING ! They CAN NOT be found by X-RAYS or MRI's , as they are SILICON and they "mutate" or grow into the area that they are "implanted"... look , you DON'T have to take my word for it . I'm just putting this out there in hopes that when you leave this site , you'll further investigate-READ- research-VERIFY , what I just told you for YOURS and the ones you supposedly "LOVE" (?) for protection from the people that you think are your next door neighbors who fly airplanes and work in a lab making "computer" parts , and they "wave" at you like "they care" !  Feeling "sorry" and "guilty" before you drop an atomic bomb and killing people isn't the same as feeling "sorry" and "guilty" AFTER you've dropped an atomic bomb and SEEING the horror of WHAT you've done to the people YOU'VE killed !....(and to explain the reason I put the word "is" in quotation marks , "is" because "Bill" Clinton "perverted" it's meaning when he got "caught" with Monica Lewinsky (a MOSSAD agent) and rightfully so , they (and EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT) have disgraced the "PEOPLES" Whitehouse )...and just a little more info of what they do over at the Clark County Chatter and a LOT of other "forums" or "Fakebook" pages like("DOPEHEADED") Gatewood and Dea Riley for  Governor & Lieutenant Governor of my "catatonic" STATE OF KENTUCKY,INC. ...the following might be of more help in understanding...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Really Know What It's Like"....EVERLAST






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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Gatewood Galbraith and Dea Riley for Governor an Lt. Governor - Censors me and my VOTE !

    • David Myfootsasleep Chittenden kind of makes you wonder how 1% of the populace has 90% of the wealth. not all of it could be through legitimate gain. :/
      4 hours ago ·

    • Dea Riley
      I don't wonder at all, the debate was there from the very onset i.e., "If the American People ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will gr...ow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied. The issuing power of money should be taken from the bankers and restored to Congress and the people to whom it belongs. I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies. " - Thomas JeffersonSee More

      4 hours ago · · 8 peopleLoading...

    • Dennie Roger Leach what a powerful quote; I agree wholeheartedly.
      4 hours ago · · 1 personLoading...

    • David Myfootsasleep Chittenden reminds me of Andrew Jackson taking down the federal reserve back in the 1800's I guess what my real question is why one of our former Pres. re-instituted it in the 20th century knowing what it would do.........
      4 hours ago ·

    • Dennie Roger Leach I believe he traded the power of it for the expediency. During that time, no one knew what to do and something had to be done.

    • Dennie Roger Leach btw, that president was Wilson in response to the 1907 panic.
      4 hours ago ·

    • Dennie Roger Leach Created in 1913
      4 hours ago · · 1 personLoading...

    • Dennie Roger Leach expanded power mostly happened after the Great Depression. Expediency has a price.
      4 hours ago ·

    • David Myfootsasleep Chittenden
      in short woodrow wilson rushed through it and didn't even consider the consequences. not a prime example of American leadership if you ask me. America hasn't had a decent president to live out his term in the 20th century ie. JFK. Federal r...egulation of currency is a joke and as stated before should be regulated through congress and not a single entity. Corporate rabble rousers lobby behind the media and tell us they need all of our money but say it's for our own good. I'm tired of being told what to do when I know what I need to do, All I want is a humble little Hemp (industrial not medicinal) farm a family and enough food to provide for us. I don't think that's too much to ask. but to the feds it is because I would simply be labled a "Drug dealer" even though what is being grown isn't even under the drug classification of said species of cannabis. I'm too tired of fighting, half tempted to take my talents to a country which respects it. Denouncing my citizenship is a possibility if Gatewood/Riley don't win come Noveber. If Beshear wins again and Ron paul loses in 2012 I will have lost all hope. This sounds somewhat melodramatic but I refuse to support dictators and provide them tax dollars off my back. I could go on about this four pages but I'll spare all of you the trouble.See More

      3 hours ago · · 1 personLoading...

    • Dennie Roger Leach I want the medicinal also. I had a script in Cali.
      3 hours ago · · 1 personLoading...

    • Dea Riley Well this is my post, and I am certain no person would say such a thing of me in any circle. If they did there would immediate repercussions.
      3 hours ago · · 1 personLoading...

    • David Myfootsasleep Chittenden Personal opinion: It can't kill you, you can't O.D. unlike Alcohol and Tobacco which both have a toxic threshold. Being proven as an antibiotic and cancer med. New research suggests use as an ADHD medication as opposed to ritalin and adderal. If you're 21 use it as you wish, If under 21 it must be recommended by a doctor for use. And Dea Riley if my rhetoric has been in poor taste I apologize.
      3 hours ago ·

    • Dea Riley
      I'm not sure your posts are rhetorical at all, no worries. I'm not offended. The only time I get edgy with folks is when they are completely off subject which takes away from the discussion at hand or are blatantly trying to impose there ...opinion onto others (regardless the subject) yet do not allow others the same expression - I do not tolerate misinformation, lies and demagoguery on my posts and it's my post so I can edit it as I deem fit. I am an ardent proponent of open dialog and full disclosure discussion as well as transparency. It never hurts to have a conversation. The Haters I don't like them - personally, morally or politically and I will call them out. I cannot go along with slanderous insults launched at others with no basis or worse intentional manipulation of facts to support their political agenda - no matter.See More

      3 hours ago · · 1 personLoading...

    • Dea Riley What is a bot?
      2 hours ago ·

    • David Myfootsasleep Chittenden
      yeah................. My vocabulary needs a lot of work apparently............. used the word rhetoric completely out of context............ o.o If you want to see a fine example of what you dislike most check out the white house FB page it...'s horrible nothing but slander and political propaganda. Personal opinion: I have a feeling a majority of the comments on the main articles are bots, is there any statute against that?See More

      2 hours ago ·

    • David Myfootsasleep Chittenden a bot is a computer program which automatically posts without the intervention of a human user and some of which can carry out entire conversations
      2 hours ago ·

    • David Myfootsasleep Chittenden the more advanced being expensive to produce or purchase
      2 hours ago ·

    • David Myfootsasleep Chittenden this is speculation on my part and must be confirmed through more personal investigation but some patterns in postings do raise a red flag for me personally considering I may or may not have used a bot in the past (5th amendment in use)
      2 hours ago ·

    • Dea Riley I see - thank you. Are you referring to the comments? i don't think there is any "law" necessarily that prevents a person from lying an even slander is acceptable unless you can prove damages - the process is too timely and expensive so the Haters get away with it. The posts from the site seem in line I don't see anything off about those.
      2 hours ago ·

    • David Myfootsasleep Chittenden nvm even if they were being used there is currently no law against it. A moot point if you will. too many thoughts of the infringement of personal liberties for one day. I will try to find a loophole in this though but for now I'm going to bed. Peace out and have a good one everybody.
      2 hours ago ·

    • Karl Von Schmidt btw, that president was Wilson in response to the 1907 panic.....It was U.S. Grant...Lincoln wasTARGETED for issuing "GreenBacks" Kennedy..!
      12 minutes ago ·

    • Karl Von Schmidt Hemp (industrial not medicinal) farm, David , that was a currency AND STILL IS !
      8 minutes ago ·

    • Karl Von Schmidt Misti Beck

      I'm the Communications Director for the Gatewood/Riley campaign. I spoke to Dea today and she made it abundantly clear there are to be NO POSTS regarding marijuana on the KY Hemp Initiative FB page or the Gatewood/Riley 2001 FB page. I'm the one that keeps removing your post and if you keep posting it I'll block it. The KY Hemp Initiative is about HEMP not MARIJUANA. I understand you are passionate about the subject, as am I, but the members of the KHI don't want the post there. Thanks.
      2 seconds agoUnable to post comment. Try Again

Google searched ! Arthur Phillip Adkins-Arthur Phillip Adkins Jr.- Nathan Samuel / Childplace-John Schnatter- Dawn Elston - Nathan Masingo

                                                            Arthur Phillip Adkins                     a self"avowed" "SATAN WORSHIPER" !

"Now this "IS" the "Biological" father of Mathew Phillip Adkins AND Brandy Nicole Adkins  ...and NOT the "biological" father of Arthur Phillip Adkins .Jr .

..."this is "Matt" and Brandy at Christmas in 1993 at my house".....
This "IS" Arthur Phillip Adkins Jr.....he "IS" NOT the "Biological" son of Arthur Phillip Adkins...."so , come on "Nick" it's time to be "Honorable" , it's NOT going to "kill" you... and the sooner , the better , keeping secrets WILL catch up with you , and IF the ones that truly love you as they say they do , then they WILL forgive and "STAND BY YOU"...don't you believe in JESUS ? ...what do you want for your "baby" to believe , surely not the "DEVIL" ... 

2nd page ...3rd result..."Remember NATHAN SAMUEL ,when you had Arthur Adkins Jr. adopted "OUT" from Childplace and his mother "CAME BACK " and got her son BACK ! 1986...and when you had Mathew Adkins at Childplace in 2007...MAKE SURE YOU DON'T "SHRED" THE EVIDENCE , I'VE GOT MINE !

...2nd page 1st result _______________________________________________ 



  "A Boy And His Dog"
("Matt" &"Fraulein"1992)

..Ms Stacy Gilbert , please , don't be like Kathy Danner , a "MALFEASANT" , or Rupert Strawbridge , a "pissed-off" P.O that's mad cause he has to carry around a "cup of piss" , I was right , he is "burnt out" and has a "chip on his shoulder" , he just won't admit it .