Thursday, October 21, 2010

To my readers.. and the "Pollution of "Yellow" journal-ism"

I apologize , I didn't get my "Golden" document today as hoped , I was told "1st of next week" (Oct. 25th ?) .But, believe me when I get "it", I WILL be uploading "it' for your alls "defense" as well as deserved knowledge . I know that I'll be rambling to some "strangers" stopping in but , to my "Dear Readers" you'll understand in a while . I sat in today on Karen Syphers press conference , the press for the most part want to attach a "Scarlet Letter" on her and put her in the "dunking chair" to see "if" she's a witch . As Jim Faller said"the truth about Rick Pitino , Tim Sypher , Dana Kolter(atty) and (ex) Lt. Governor Steve Pence WILL come out . If you go to , you will get some background on Jim Faller and on , which is a LOT like "CCC" but without the cuss words . There's politics everywhere a group of like minded people gather , it's only natural . I have been informed by very reliable sources that I'm being monitored by the CIA and OF COURSE, I expect people to say "he's crazy , what would the CIA want with this nobody and I say to them "How do you know me and WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ME "FACTUALLY"? I'm NOT going to "share" ALL my knowledge for nothing and especially to someone who "REALLY" doesn't give a "S#@T about me or my people . I was a "fly on the wall" today as the "reporters"(?) grilled Jim Faller and attorney David Nolan (Ofc of Spl Council on Ethics for the White House) . The process during a court proceeding where you gather facts and evidence for your case, is called "discovery", for you people that have never been through this process . The evidence of judicial misconduct and court conspiracy they uncovered just in the last 2 weeks or so is voluminous and very incriminating to the "justice system" AND their "BOUGHT NEWS MEDIA" as I've learned and recorded from court security and US Marshals . I'm not worried about someone stealing my material stuff ,I'm worried about something happening to my evidence , since I've had to hide it away from my "dwelling". Now as I've confronted Jerry Abramson at Seneca High School on Monday "Mayors Night Out"(Oct. 19th) about turning in my "Bond Claims" to the Louisville Area Government Self Insurance Trust for $27.5 million . Jeffersonville/Clark County will be held accountable for $1 million for unlawful imprisonment . Fjairy(a typo!) Abramson acted like he didn't know what the LAGSIT trust was , even though he helped AUTHOR it , he is after all a thieving "lawyer"....thats all for now my concerned readers(my people)  "ABOLISH THIS GOVERNMENT .. FOR THIS GOVERNMENT this election.....I believe that the DemocRATS and  RePUGnant ones are NOT the answer this election , give them the" 3rd Finger", I believe the Independents should be given a chance to see what they can do !...stay vigilant and journey well ...sincerely... Karl

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