Well today is January 9th 2011 . I came here to ...update and I find that I don't have available no fonts , type size , or "BOLD" print to "choose" from or having the "option" to "emote" , "enunciate" , "articulate" and for Gods sakes to "spell check" , "hell" "?" No, nothing but , this here "stuff" ! So if the "POWERS THAT BE " DON"T FURTHER "CENSOR" "ME" . I was going to comment on today's events but , I believe (pray) the people who may"like" me! .tend to think "like" me , wonder "What in the World Is Going On"!... in the past few days , in the united states of America ? (nka : United States of America , Incorporation)
"I have an honest question"
Would you leave a comment about the the topic you read , if you or you readers that have been here more than once" , if your afraid just leave a ?
I was going to comment about the"story" in Tuscon , Arizona but , I guess it's reserved for police , politicians , news (USA , INC owned and operated by) , late night talk show hosts , "recyclable""toilet" newspapers , "survivors" and residents , not necessarily in that order ..................... I guess this reminds me of the late "Great" Charles Schlund III U.S.M.C. Died January 5th , 2010 ("may he rest in peace") . He had all this stuff in his complaint with regard to the "Don Bolles Papers" .
And , today , a year later , after the death of James Von Brunn U.S.N. (died 1/6/10) ....yes , I remember these men and their "plights" , for rights (rest in peace)
Do you see any kind of "military pattern" here?
Where are all you "Four" Star Generals and Sheriffs with your arrest warrants for these "renegers" of there oath to the Constitution and the people .
I know , I hear some that will read this say ,"her's another one of those "dreamers" thinkin' and "babbling" about the Constitution again" ....! "when will they just face "it"
As Hillary says ....."that God damned "Constitution"......."if we could just get that out of the way".....................
"Poor" Bill and his "Foundation"....$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
As you notice that my "Open Letter To Sheriff John Aubry has went unanswered since the election , "I" won't be surprised if "he" answers it through an agent , like what "currys favor in a "duel" (ouch !, tortures gonna be a bitch ,as usual !)....hey Sheriff ....."wassup"?
To my "Co-Patriots", it's has been an "honour" and "PRIVILEDGE" to serve you at least here for now , we may not be able to fight ALL together at once but , we still can fight the same , for the same , separately .
ALL the "Baby Boomers" are becoming "aware" of our birth certificates being "pawned" to some kind of "fucked up" "jew-ish" Mafia" Federal Reserve (UCC) "System" ( read "Racket") . SEE THE JORDAN MAXWELL "youtube" video ("IE: "..mothers water broke..came down the ..berth canal..."informed the doc(k)..."signed bill of lading...certificate bonded at maritime treas-usury ....bond entrusted to "Social Security Administration..."Certified Bonded Common Stock traded on Wall Street and "Original Note" mother "wet ink" signed" stamped on back at ALL ports of entry at the stockholder(slaveholders)last trade.
Well that's all can "muster" for the moment , I don't guess I'm any worse than "Druanna, and I mean this in a good way, on "Youtube" and having a "headache" after finding out about "Redemption"..and UCC . If you can check her out ,do it ! Her husband and kid are lucky to have her , Amen .
"Journey n" ........Karl
PS : Rest in Peace "beard".. United States Army,(Vietnam) died 1/9/83
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