Thursday, July 7, 2011

No one to vote for , so NOT voting "IS" voting..."SSDD"...

  •      “Even SLANDER is OK”

A quote from Dea on her Facebook page (a public figure) NOT PRIVATE , since she wants to be one step down from Sarah Palin, Maybe she'll write a book like “Gatewood”!
Dea Riley Dea Riley      what is a bot ?
      Dea Riley
June 12
    • In re: to your post: That's incorrect Norm Davis had NO part is passing Hemp Legislation - Louie Nunn passed legislation 13 years ago making Industrial Hemp legal - there have been several individuals who have attempted legislation in order to actually allow it to grow the above mentioned are one of many groups - Norm Davis' bill never left committee and had NOTHING to do with "legalizing hemp growth" in KY - Louie Nunn did that years ago, what Norm attempted to legislate was to make void the Federal Govt., authority over the process - I knew it would never fly - but he gets an A for trying. Perry sponsored the bill I believe. There were many many personalities involved in the Hemp effort who each possessed their own agendas - some were self serving, some were so political they used Hemp to merely further their own ambition, all would agree they were very exclusionary and only allowed "people they liked - or people who agreed with their political ideas- sort of self declared experts, but in fact not experts at all. I had a great conversation with a "real" Hemp expert and he pointed out a real truth "all you have to do to be a Hemp expert is to read the 29 page report on Hemp issued during Congressional hearings - it isn't rocket science!" Louie Nunn is now passed away so I think there are those who forget to give him credit or conveniently give themselves far more credit than what is actually due.. The entire movement 13 years ago blew apart mainly because of squabbling personalities and all of Governor Nunn's work lost. Louie was the first person to discuss Hemp with me and he told me the whole story and all about the players, who did what to whom - he was actually the one who first motivated me to look into the subject not Gatewood believe it or not - I met Gatewood later when I asked him to write a piece for Industrial Hemp (I marketed the KY Almanac and Book of Facts) and was so impressed by what he sent. Gatewood is hands down the foremost expert on the subject of Hemp in KY. Please see the Kentucky Hemp Initiative Group - we're working very hard to educate and include the public in our effort. After having viewed all those involved it was obvious they weren't doing any work to educate, include or even inform the public which motivated me to investigate further. What I discovered is all those who supported Hemp were leery to get involved because of these personalities. After some strict due diligence I rousted together those interested in Hemp to create the KY Hemp Initiative as a way to include any and all interested parties - we welcome all those who have an interest in restoring Hemp as a KY agricultural crop - we now boast more than 2,500 active members.
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Karl Von Schmidt
June 12
    • I remember the "trial" of Woody Harrelson and THE late "Great Senetor Nunn" trying the case,God rest his soul , I very much appreciate you correcting me on the facts and as I said and mean it , even though we've never met ,I believe you've got the "salt" to be what I stated in my post and I "hope" to God it will be your "Destiny" you I believe as far as (please don't be offended , I mean this in a "Holy" respectful way) "Womb-man" that you could AND SHOULD be the "BEST GOVERNOR AMERICA EVER in the history of the united states of America ,I DON"T ask God for ANYTHING(or the Lord Christ) I only thank him for my "brain"(that I didn't "take it out and "play" with "it") and every day he gifted me with, I would like to see dramatic change for the "common" people before I leave this "vessel" and journey in another time....journey well to you Dea..sincerely ..Karl
Dea Riley
June 12
    • Thank you Karl - it is words such as though that inspire me every day and keep me going when the going gets tough. I'm not going to stop until I have affected that significant change we both desire!
Karl Von Schmidt
June 12
    • ..."as "Gatewood" would say , "God Bless you "sister" .God Be With Ye...thank God for be it...had to stop saying amen as I learned it is a Masonic departure of "Amon Ra"..perverted to "Amen", my neighbor says "as long as God knows what you mean in your heart , I'm sure he'll understand" but , when I learn something such as that , I correct my words

Misti Beck
June 23
    • Karl,
      I'm the Communications Director for the Gatewood/Riley campaign. I spoke to Dea today and she made it abundantly clear there are to be NO POSTS regarding marijuana on the KY Hemp Initiative FB page or the Gatewood/Riley 2001 FB page. I'm the one that keeps removing your post and if you keep posting it I'll block it. The KY Hemp Initiative is about HEMP not MARIJUANA. I understand you are passionate about the subject, as am I, but the members of the KHI don't want the post there. Thanks.
Karl Von Schmidt
June 23
    • "I GET IT , NOW" !
            10 hours ago
    • I "blocked" from Dea's "wall" from posting ? TIME -2:30 pm 7 /7/11
Dea Riley10 hours ago
    • So leave me alone - you've been posting some pretty crazy stuff and I intend to keep you blocked. So what?
Karl Von Schmidt
WHY ? was I removed from the Gatewood and Dea for Governor /Lt Governor page ? For asking "questions" ....If that's the case , then How will anything be different between you and David Williams and Steve Beshear ? Avoiding me only leaves me to my PUBLIC BLOG TO TELL WHAT I KNOW !
Tuesday at 5:44pm · LikeUnlike ·

Karl Von Schmidt
And to further state about this "fictional" "DRUG WAR".....this exactly WHY it's NEVER going to stop...Warren Buffet owns the MAJORITY of Coca Cola AND Pepsi...they IMPORT several TONS of COCA leaf into the the UNITED STATES each year via Lake Michigan to Northfield , Chicago Illinois on down Highway 63 to Eli Lilly..   ....and Opium to Watson-Purdue Pharma - Mallinckrodt  (when you read this if your not outraged , you can rule out a "lobotomy") ..and Cannabis Sativa-Indica- Ruderalis...The Rich are asked when there being stitched on "you want some "Lidocaine" for pain" ? A rich pregnant woman-"you want an "Epidural-"SaddleBlock" so you won't feel no pain from the baby "RIPPING" you open like NEVER before" ?(DUH!) opposed to the poor "you wanna recalled "Tylenol" or 'Ibuprofen' for pain or a "bullet to bite on" ? (DUH ! again ) and to quote Gatewood..."If you had "cannabis" legalized, people be checking into a motel room , twisting one up and getting laid back , instead of being bored and going out and getting drunk" ! (he didn't use the word "cannabis")....George H. W. Bush and Mitch Daniels , ex prsidents of Eli Lilly    and  and  and   and   that ought to keep you informed for awhile...your "constituent"

  Karl Von Schmidt
WHY ? was I removed from the Gatewood and Dea for Governor /Lt Governor page ? For asking "questions" ....If that's the case , then How will anything be different between you and David Williams and Steve Beshear ? Avoiding me only leaves me to my PUBLIC BLOG TO TELL WHAT I KNOW !
7 hours ago · LikeUnlike ·

Gatewood Galbraith
Dear Friends please join me tomorrow at Shrine Fest on Southland Drive this Saturday. The Shriners work very hard for our community - Gatewood/Riley are honored to be a sponsor of the event.
Location: Oleika Shrine Temple
Time: 2:00PM Saturday, June 25th

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