Monday, May 23, 2011

Here's "Poetic Justice".....Jim Earhart....

Here's irony for you Louis-er-vile "style", Jim Earhart, who betrayed Karen Sypher (sold her out,he's a "lieyer" after all)sitting on an "ethics" commission against councilwoman Judy Green . How the fuck does that work, Jim Earhart is an errand boy for that despot Khazar Charles Simpson and Mafia affiliate Steve Pence and that "Eyes of E-vil" Pitino. That hearing is a welfare "charade" if there ever was one, even if Judy Green did what she's accused of ("Nepotism","Oh God"!) it's nothing compared to sending a mother of 50 to prison for "life"(8years), who has a 5 year old daughter in the custody of someone like Tim Sypher, if you want to know what I mean by that, give Karen a new trial or let her talk and watch "the House of Cards Fall". The only thing that separates the "Devil" from "Beelzebub"is the 2nd street bridge.  .....stay extra vigilant....."cause my library cards about to expire"....great for the people on my "hatewatch", bad for my readers.....Karl.."so sue me, too" !

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